§ 3-3-104. Duties.  

Latest version.
  • The Community Services Commission shall have the duty to:


    Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the acquisition, capital improvement, rehabilitation and maintenance of park, recreational, cultural, human services, library, youth and other related facilities.


    Consider the proposed annual budget for the Community Services Department and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Council and the City Manager.


    Advise in the planning of park, recreational, human services, cultural, library and youth and other related programs for the residents of the City. Promote and stimulate public interest therein, and to that end solicit to the fullest extent possible the cooperation of school authorities and other public and private agencies interested therein.


    Recommend policies for the acquisition, development and improvement of land and facilities, subject to the rights and powers of the City Council.


    Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the City Council.

(Code 1976, § III.C-104; Res. No. 397, § 1, 3-11-75; Ord. No. 83-19, § 2, 12-13-83; Ord. No. 89-34, § 1, 12-12-89; Ord. No. 93-4, § 1, 5-4-93)